
Inspired by Japanese scientist Masuro Emoto’s work with water crystals and intention. It has been a WONDERFUL teaching tool with Keiki. (And us!). These jars were placed out on the same day, with the same ingredients (uncooked rice and filtered water), and with different labels/intentions.

Everyday, the children would walk by and whisper the words “I love you.” Or “I hate you.” And envision and feel all that goes with these emotions.  I participated as well.  This photo was taken about 10-15 days later.  The exact same stuff – now so different – as a result of our projection, and space held. .


This clearly represents Emoto’s idea that not only does our own physical body manifest/respond to our internal state of being – but our outward focus on someone or something (ie: a jar of rice or another being/recipient of loving or hateful thoughts) – Reacts as well, perhaps unknowingly.  In the same way, our own bodies respond to someone else’s hatred or love of us.  Even if we don’t consciously know about it. .


Realizing this, we’ve been sharing with our children that we must take responsibility for our private thoughts about ourselves and others. .


  either love…. Or hate….


#choice #love #hate #whatdoyouchoose #consistently #everyday #everymoment Especially when people come at you with venom, hate, or other toxic energies? #notalwayseasy #tostayinlove #worthit #instagood #forlife #masuroemoto #water #crystals #messages #butterflyeffect #kailuawatersbodywork #body #energy #healing #hawaii #kailua #oahu #me #kailuawatershealingarts  #ancienthealingartshawaii #patriciaannawaters




Life in Progress